arinie best gler outing!!! ehehe.,
shopping baju raye., men boling ngn senior., owg blanje makn.,
memg BEST PUNYER rr..,
semalam shopping memg xigt dunia.., :P
mane xnye.,SALE smpi 80%..
shopping ngn ina(my rommie) & fiqah..,
ktowg msok boulevard kol 5.,blik kol 9malm..,
bayngkan bape lame ktowg membelek baju2 kat c2.,
total beli bebrg raye; baju ade 5 helai.,suar 2 pasg.,
total RM???..,*censored*
hanye diriqu & rommie je taw..,
nie brands yg aq beli semalm..,
beli baju .., ^.^
ngn diowg r ktowg ber-suka ria semalm.., ^.^
credit to
nie plak antra gegmbr yg berjaye d picnap smalm..,
credit to 1-
nie gmbr time menggelakkn owg men boling..,
strike / parit?..,ntah rr,,diowg je yg taw..,
nie rrr muke yg mintak owg len dpt parit!
masin tol mulot diowg niee..,
aq dpt parit pon d sebab an diowg r..,
* Awang & Bani *
total beli bebrg raye; baju ade 5 helai.,suar 2 pasg.,
total RM???..,*censored*
hanye diriqu & rommie je taw..,
nie brands yg aq beli semalm..,
beli blouse & sluar..^.^
beli baju .., ^.^
nie r ateeq medina (rommie) & fiqah & me yg shopping smpi xigt dunia!
beli sluar.., ^.^
JANGAN cube trlintas kat pkran kowg yg aq nie anak owg kaye..,
beli bebrg branded je..,
aq beli nie pon coz ade SALE UP TO 80% keyh!
beli brg time SALE cmnie bru jimat!!
habis shopping.,ktowg * aq ngn coursemate* men boling ngn senior plak.,
ktowg kuasai 3 lane..,hoho.
riuh gegler rr..,
asal strike je ..,sorak.,
asal longkang/parit je..sorak gak.,
memg kemengongan~ time tu..,
biase r teacher-to-be an..,
mesti rr KECOH..,
may i present u my senior..,
credit to
nie plak antra gegmbr yg berjaye d picnap smalm..,
credit to 1-
nie ar muke senior2 TESL scare close up..,
yg pki bju coklat tu junior keyh!
nie abg Halil & abg Azrul..,
abg Halil - cute gler time men boling smlm., really suportive.,
abg Azrul - terror men smalm.., pro ke die nie., asyik strike je..,
nie r antara muke2 yg dapt d capture smlm..,
senior & junior combine!!
nie gmbr time menggelakkn owg men boling..,
strike / parit?..,ntah rr,,diowg je yg taw..,
this is me & my rooomie..,
enjoying ourselves.., ^.^
nie rrr muke yg mintak owg len dpt parit!
masin tol mulot diowg niee..,
aq dpt parit pon d sebab an diowg r..,
* Awang & Bani *
another pic b4 berBoling.,
ehehe.,mostly antra diowg ni first time (?) men boling.,
iye ke??
* Fatin, Has, Wani, Merah, Me, Mira, Safri *
pic b4 ber-boling., ^.^
SCANDAL???.,hoho ..,
who's that??
hanye yg tukang amek pic nie taw..,
tu je yg nak report utk kali nie..,